Is there an additional cost for the digital products?
No. All digital products will be delivered without any additional printing or shipping cost.
Last updated: April 04, 2022 04:49
Is there an additional costs for the physical copy of the book?
To make sure that everyone pays the lowest possible price, costs for shipping is not included in pledge rewards for hardcover and softcover books. Once the campaign is over, all backers will have access to BackerKit’s Pledge Manager, where you can manage your pledge and calculate shipping costs.
For the Collector’s Edition pledge, shipping is included in the pledge reward.
Last updated: April 04, 2022 04:49
I live in Canada/Australia/Sweden/Germany/Brazil/Finland/On the moon, is there a way to estimate my costs for shipping?
Yes. Estimated shipping cost for physical books:
One book: USA: $7 ⎜UK: $7 ⎜ Canada: $11-20 ⎜Australia: $10 ⎜EU: $6-10
One book and two add-ons: USA: $7 ⎜UK: $9 ⎜ Canada: $14-23 ⎜Australia: $24 ⎜EU: $6-10
Please note that these shipping costs are estimates. We’ll try to keep them as low as possible, but additional taxes, VAT, and import fees may apply to certain countries.
You can also check out DriveThruRPG website for other countries to get a preliminary estimate:
If the link above is giving you a migraine, go straight to DriveThruRPG’s website, plonk a couple of Midnight Tower’s books in their basket and see what the shipping will be:–Level-9-Adventure-and-Compendium (Unfortunately, we don’t deliver our adventures to the moon, at the present time.)
Last updated: April 04, 2022 04:49
Do you have a dedicated retail pledge?
Yes. You can order 5 copies of the hardcover book using the “Retailer pledge reward”. Please get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’re interested in more books or would like to order previous released titles and we’ll see what we can offer. :)
Last updated: April 04, 2022 04:49
Hang on….Is it actually legal to publish D&D adventure if you’re not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast?
Yes. We use the Open-Gaming Licence from Wizards of the Coast, which enables people to self-publish their adventures within certain limits. Read more here:
Last updated: May 17, 2022 05:55
Will this project be affected by the pandemic/Ukraine war/supply demands and shipping?
Maybe? But, don’t worry. We’ve added plenty of extra time in our schedule and we’ll make sure that everyone gets their copies of the book. The digital pledges will be delivered on time, and hopefully the physical books won’t be affected by printing and delivery problems.
Last updated: April 04, 2022 04:49
Will you be able to deliver the adventure to other countries after Brexit?
Yes. We’ve done a couple of Kickstarter since Brexit, and it has worked surprisingly fine. Our printing company have printers in both the US and the UK, so most printing and deliveries are done locally.
Last updated: April 04, 2022 04:49
I play online, is this adventure suitable for virtual tabletop games?
Yes. The PDFs will contain a link to additional downloads with gridless maps, tokens, and additional handouts that can be used for print or VTT.
Last updated: April 04, 2022 04:49
Is this project going to be extraordinary awesome?
But of course!
Last updated: April 04, 2022 04:49
What is BackerKit?
BackerKit is a service that crowdfunded project creators use to keep track of hundreds to tens of thousands of backers—from shipping details, pledge levels, preferences and quantities, whether they have paid or had their card declined, special notes, and everything in between!
The BackerKit software and support team is independent from the campaign’s project team—BackerKit does not handle the actual reward shipping. For more information about the preparation or delivery status of your rewards, please check the project's updates page.
How does BackerKit work?
After the campaign ends, the project creator will send you an email with a unique link to your survey. You can check out a walkthrough of the process here.
I never received my invitation. How do I complete the survey?
The most common reasons for not receiving a survey email is that you may be checking an email inbox different from the email address you used to sign up with Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account, or it may be caught in your spam filter.
Confirm that the email address you are searching matches the email address tied to your Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Tilt Pro account. If that doesn’t work, then try checking your spam, junk or promotions folders. You can also search for "backerkit” in your inbox.
To resend the survey to yourself, visit the project page and input the email address associated with your Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account.
How do I update my shipping address?
BackerKit allows you to update your shipping address until the shipping addresses are locked by the project creator. To update your address, go back to your BackerKit survey by inputting your email here.
When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?
That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.
I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?
As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.